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I am a sinner saved by grace, a father, a husband, and a pastor. I love Jesus and I love the local church. Seven years ago, the Lord allowed me the joy and privilege of leading a church planting team to St. Rose, LA to plant St. Rose Community Church just outside the city of New Orleans. He has given me a unique passion for ecclesiology – the study of the local church. From the early days of Bible college all the way through the completion of my Doctorate of Ministry from Southern Seminary, I gravitated to the study of the church. This site is an outlet for that passion. I hope to write helpful reflections on church planting, church polity, and church life that my own local fellowship might be built up and perhaps the body of Christ abroad as well. 

Why Devoted Together? 

In the book of Acts, the first Christian church bursts into existence with 3,000 new believers full of the Holy Spirit and ready to follow King Jesus. Acts 2:42 tells us exactly what these new believers begin to do as God’s first Christian church. They simply joined together in devoting themselves to a few simple things. “They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers… And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:42, 47). It is my hope that the resources on this site help God’s people to think through what it means for Christians to devote themselves together to the Word of God, the people of God, the worship of God, and ultimately the mission of God in and through the local church.


By His Grace & For His Glory,

Pastor Brandon Langley

St. Rose Community Church